We live in an era where many of us share nearly every facet of our lives on social media, taking artistic photos of well-plated lunches, checking in at various locations throughout the day, and posting our most flattering selfies. Given how accustomed to sharing we have become, it is only natural to want to also share details about a personal injury, but doing so can negatively impact your case. Here are some reasons why you should refrain from posting about your injury to social media:

- Privacy settlings will not necessarily keep things private: These settings can certainly provide a sense of security, but it is a false one. Privacy settings might be able to make it difficult for someone to access your content, but not impossible. There are also terms of service agreements, which you agreed to, which allows social media websites to release information to the authorities for specific investigations.
- Photos can be used as evidence: If you suffered an injury, such as a broken arm, and are later seen attending a friend's party where you are smiling and enjoying yourself, this can be used against you. An insurance adjuster might claim that because you are smiling and appear to be fine, it means that you are fine. As ridiculous as it might sound, this can happen and it might cost you.
- Avoid making certain types of posts in the aftermath of an accident: Avoiding social media altogether is the best idea, but if you absolutely cannot do that, it is important to not make the following posts:
- Status updates about traveling
- Fitness updates
- Location check-ins
- Comments that admit to fault
- Negative comments about the at-fault party
Social media is meant to be fun, but unfortunately it can also damage your case. Before posting anything, ask yourself if you would mind a judge seeing it. If you would not want it shown in a court of law, then you should not post it.
If you have been injured in an accident, you will need the assistance of an experienced and knowledgeable personal injury attorney to guide you through the legal system. At Inman & Tourgee, we have over 125 years of collective experience and have served Coventry and Rhode Island for over 25 years. The sooner you seek legal representation, the better your chances at obtaining compensation in your personal injury claim. Do not leave the outcome of your case up to chance. Our Coventry-based lawyers serve clients throughout the state.
Call our office at (401) 229-5521 to schedule a free consultation with one of our Rhode Island personal injury attorneys.
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