When considering a catastrophic injury, such as those suffered in a car accident, you might think of broken bones, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries (TBI). While these injuries are severe and debilitating, they are not the only sort of serious harm that you could suffer in a bad accident caused by an at-fault party's negligence. Soft tissue injuries (STI) can be just as damaging in the end, despite seemingly being less severe.
By definition, a soft tissue injury is any harm caused to your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Emergency medical technicians tend to see STIs as a secondary concern when responding to calls, as they are not as immediately life-threatening as internal organ damage, fractures, severe lacerations, and so forth. This might be one of the reasons why STIs are unfortunately overlooked, so much so that many accident victims do not even realize they can file a claim for a soft tissue injury.
Living with a soft tissue injury can be extremely painful, especially if a muscle, tendon, or ligament you use often is damaged in your accident. For example, a tendon tear in your arm or leg can be outright disabling while it heals. Not only will you need medical care, but you will also likely miss days from work and experience significant pain and suffering. All of these damages can be cited in a personal injury claim.
There is also nothing to guarantee that an STI will heal correctly or completely. Particularly damaging soft tissue injuries may prevent full healing, meaning you will live with the consequences of the accident to some extent for the rest of your life. You would deserve financial compensation that considers your extended suffering and lessened enjoyment of life.
Not sure how to create a personal injury claim after suffering a soft tissue injury caused by a negligent third party? With the legal counsel and representation of Inman & Tourgee, you thankfully do not need to worry yourself about the fine details behind creating a claim, or taking one to litigation. We are dedicated to providing you with the best possible advocacy, which means we can handle your case, step-by-step. This is what we have done for more than 25 years, and it has allowed us to recover millions for our clients in settlements and verdicts.
Contact our Rhode Island personal injury law firm at (401) 823-9200 today.
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