Sometimes, it can just seem like the world is out to get you. Nothing's going right. What's more, everything's happening at the same time.
If, on top of everything else, you've just gotten arrested…is there anything you can do to make things right again?
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to turn things around. You need to start with the basics.
Strategic Steps and Precautions to Take After Being Arrested in Rhode Island
First things first: Make sure that you handle the arrest and accompanying actions in the right way.
- Listen to the officer, and don't talk. You have a right to remain silent; take advantage of that.
- Don't run. If you make any attempt that the police can construe as an obstruction, you'll only add another serious problem that you need to deal with, on top of everything else.
- Invoke your rights…at the right time. The one exception to the ‘don't talk' rule should be to request a phone call and request a lawyer.
Once you're no longer actually under arrest, consider these steps you can take to start turning things around.
After Your Arrest: Taking Steps Back Towards Normalcy
Take a deep breath. Whether you face further legal procedures or not, you need to take advantage of the time you have to center yourself, clear your head, and get ready to move forward in a way that will simplify your life.
- Take a step back and assess your situation as objectively as you can - by yourself. If life is throwing a lot at you right now (including an arrest), you need to prioritize the things that need your first attention. (Think of the acronym ‘WIN' - What's Important Now?)
- Make sure that you follow any instructions that the police give you. If you're not supposed to travel or drive, don't. Otherwise, you'll just find that you're making your situation worse.
- Discuss your strategy with an experienced attorney. Your legal team will have the knowledge, experience, and expertise to sort through complicated situations effectively and efficiently. Be completely honest with your lawyer, and heed their advice.
If you find yourself in a particularly chaotic chapter of life right now, you might not know how you'll move past something as big as an arrest.
Fortunately, you don't have to. At Inman & Tourgee, we'll be able to help. Call our team at (401) 823-9200 today, or contact us online for more information.
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