How to Deal With Winter Slip and Fall Injuries

Posted by April Picozzi | Jun 16, 2022 | 0 Comments

Walking in a winter wonderland takes on a much less magical tone when you're dealing with the after-effects of a wintertime slip-and-fall. Rhode Islanders can often take for granted the biting cold winter temperatures and the omnipresent ice that constitute winter in New England.

Unfortunately, these conditions, however expected, can lead to lifelong injuries. As a result, everyone needs to take safety precautions.

If you or a loved one has suffered a snow-related slip-and-fall, you have the option to file a personal injury claim. Here's what you need to know.

Pursuing Compensation for a Slip and Fall in Rhode Island

Rhode Island has laws in place to protect residents of the state from the potentially severe injuries often associated with slip-and-fall accidents.

Why? Often, people underestimate just how dangerous a snowy slip-and-fall can be. The repercussions of such falls can be truly life-changing. Some permanent or painful conditions associated with slip-and-falls include:

  • Broken bones
  • Sprains
  • Torn ligaments
  • Traumatic brain injuries

The after-effects of any of these conditions can last for years. You and your loved ones could experience far-reaching adverse effects, such as loss of employment, as a result.

Since Rhode Island has policies in place to protect pedestrians from the possible negligence of property owners, you may have legal precedent to pursue compensation for your slip-and-fall pain and suffering. In order to do so, you'll have to demonstrate the following:

  • The property owner's failure to properly remove snow or ice from their premises
  • The property owner's failure to provide adequate anti-slip measures

Proving these components of negligence contributing to a slip-and-fall can be difficult. For example, the law gives property owners a reasonable amount of time to carry out their snow-related duties; and the specific definition of ‘proper snow and ice removal' can sometimes be up for debate.

These nuances matter. To make sure that you're able to pursue the compensation you need, it's imperative to work with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Rhode Island. Contact Inman & Tourgee online or call (401) 823-9200 to discuss how we can best help you.

About the Author

April Picozzi

PUBLIC ADJUSTER / OPERATIONS & FINANCE MANAGER April M. Picozzi joined the firm in 2013 as a licensed Independent Adjuster and legal assistant to Mark D. Tourgee, Esq. She handles all aspects of personal injury claims including client intake, maintaining client files, negotiating settlements and assi...


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