

$487,500.00 Car Accident

We represented a 58-year-old female, who was involved in a motor vehicle accident in March of 2018 in Providence, Rhode Island. She was hit by a truck that tried to merge into her lane of travel. As a result of this accident, she ended up having two lumbar surgeries performed to her lower back. She further had a left shoulder surgery as a result of this motor vehicle accident. This went to a lawsuit against the at-fault party, as the insurance carrier for that person was alleging that it was not their insured's fault. The insurance company's attorneys also were defending the concept that because our client had a previous lumbar fusion and underlying spinal disease that the two spinal surgeries that were performed as a result of the accident were not related to the motor vehicle accident. After extensive litigation, the matter was settled at a mediation/settlement conference for $487,500.00.

Practice area(s): Personal Injury


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