Whenever we hear about prenuptial agreements, pictures of rich and famous couples divorcing after a few short months or days of marriage come to mind. Unfortunately, these portrayals make people reluctant to consider prenups because they fear it means their marriages are doomed. This couldn't be further from the truth.
As the average age of marriage rises and modern families evolve, premarital agreements can strengthen relationships more than couples realize. To separate fact from fiction on this issue, here are some debunked myths about prenuptial agreements.
Myth #1 Prenup = divorce
In today's world, there are same-sex couples, people marrying and re-marrying, and partners marrying later in life. With these modern relationships come modern responsibilities, and couples who decide to work out their lives' details upfront tend to feel more secure about their relationships. So prenups are no longer omens for divorce. Instead, they clearly indicate that a couple has decided to be transparent and honest from the very beginning.
Myth #2 Prenups are for the rich and famous
Premarital agreements are for couples of all financial backgrounds. In particular, couples should consider a prenup if they desire to:
- protect the inheritances of children from previous relationships,
- Limit or protect against exposure in an alimony award, or
- Clarify the ownership of a premarital business, particularly if that business is owned with other people.
Myth #3 A verbal promise is the same thing as a prenup
In Rhode Island, the court will only consider a premarital agreement to be valid if it is in writing signed by both parties. If the agreement is properly drafted according to the standards set by law, it is almost impossible to nullify in court unless the couple signs a written amendment or revocation after the wedding.
Myth #4 A Prenup can put limits on child support
In Rhode Island, a premarital agreement cannot bind the parties to any terms related to the care, custody, control, and support of children born of the marriage.
Need Help With Drafting Your Prenup? We Can Help
If you need help creating a prenuptial agreement, contact the Inman & Tourgee legal team. Our seasoned Rhode Island family attorneys can help you create an agreement that works for your modern life. To reach us, fill out our online contact form or call (401) 823-9200 today.
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