Spring Cleaning For Your Soul After A Divorce

Posted by April Picozzi | Aug 11, 2022 | 0 Comments

Spring cleaning is a practice most of us use to clear out the winter dust in preparation for the warmer, sunnier days of the spring. If you've gone through a separation or divorce, you likely need to prepare your mind, body, and spirit for the sunnier days ahead too. Before you can appreciate those happier times, though, you have to make sure you've cleaned out all the cobwebs of negative emotions and stress that are still hanging around from your former relationship. Your circumstances may be challenging right now, but you can heal from your loss by following these tips. 

Tip #1 Remember That Grief Is A Part Of the Process

When we go through rough times, we can sometimes shame ourselves for being unable to move through our emotions quickly. You don't want to take that approach if you are healing from a separation. A breakup is a loss, and grieving that loss is part of any healthy healing process.

Tip #2 Take Care of Yourself

When you are grieving, it's easy to forget to take care of yourself. You may have the urge to stay in bed all day, eat junk food, and stop maintaining your hygiene. You also might isolate yourself from others and not handle your day-to-day affairs. Though these actions may provide momentary relief, they will compound your problems and make things worse over time. Establishing a simple routine to take of your needs will go a long way in helping you to heal.

Tip #3 Get Support

Surrounding yourself with supportive friends will keep you accountable for your self-care practices and give you a shoulder to cry on when emotions overwhelm you. So it's vital that you reach out to your friends during this time and engage professional services like a therapist or psychiatrist when you need additional help.

If you need legal help with your separation or divorce, we can help. Contact Inman & Tourgee to speak with one of our seasoned Rhode Island family attorneys today. To reach us, fill out our online contact form or call (401) 823-9200.

About the Author

April Picozzi

PUBLIC ADJUSTER / OPERATIONS & FINANCE MANAGER April M. Picozzi joined the firm in 2013 as a licensed Independent Adjuster and legal assistant to Mark D. Tourgee, Esq. She handles all aspects of personal injury claims including client intake, maintaining client files, negotiating settlements and assi...


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